Boarding house LugContact owner
OwnerNebojša Savić

Accommodation type

Rooms 4/2

Rooms 1/3

Rooms 1/5

Categorized rooms with bathroom for accommodation, daily rest and lodging in Belgrade. Near the Ustanicka street and Bulevar kralja Aleksandra street.

Capacity: 20 beds in 8 rooms.

Terminus of trams nr: 5, 6, 7, 14
Terminus of trolley nr: 19
Terminus of buses nr: 17, 31, 50, 302, 303, 305, 308,309...
With city bus to the center of town for 15-20 min.

Free parking in yard.
Steam heating, cable and Wireless internet, cable TV in room. You have on disposal shovels, slippers, soaps, shampoos, hair dryer...
Discount for longer stay, groups from 8 to 20 persons and regular guests.
Our prices are in reverse proportion with the quality of service.

You are always welcome, but it would be nice if you could check in/check out between 11h and 23h.

Accommodation typePricePayment type
For one person
1600 RSDDaily
For two persons
2600 RSDDaily
For tree persons
3600 RSDDaily
For five persons
5000 RSDDaily

Children under 7 years who share a bed with their parents do not pay anything, from age 7 to 15 years pay only 5 euros for extra bed.
Discount for longer stays, groups of 8 to 16 people and regular customers.

Contact owner
Hazarska 35, 11050 Beograd
Tel:+381 11 489 61 33Mob:+381 64 14 76 303

Place: Belgrade Region: Belgrade region

  • Nearest city: Beograd5 km
  • Maximum capacity 16
  • Do pošte:0.25 km
  • Do apoteke: 0.2 km
  • Do autobuske stanice: 0.2 km
  • Do železničke stanice:6.5 km
  • Do aerodroma: 20 km

Additional features

Attractions nearthings to see

Explore Serbia

Activities nearthings to do

Explore Serbia
